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On a mission to bridge the tech talent gap in Africa. From careers to products, communities, and startups in tech. Your success story awaits.

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Success Stories

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Stratup - The Bulb
Incubators vs. Accelerators: Which is Right for Your Startup?
As every founder knows, building a successful startup from the ground up is no joke, especially if it’s the first time. This is why they often turn to startup incubators and accelerators,...
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Tech stratup- The Bulb
How to Sell a Perfect Pitch on a First Trial
Simply put, a pitch refers to convincingly presenting your business idea to another party, and as a startup founder or entrepreneur, your sales pitch might make or break a deal. Being...
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Olabayo, Fellow at The Bulb
Hard Lessons I Learned From Joining A Software Engineering Fellowship Program
If you’re open-minded, you might learn a thing or two. In hindsight, the decision to become a software engineer by going through an engineering fellowship is one of the fastest-yielding...
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IT Specialist The Bulb
How to Kick-Start Your Career as an IT Specialist in 2024
The job of an IT Specialist is to ensure that companies, agencies, and firms stay active and competitive in a global tech village. To do this, IT Specialists work with hardware, software,...
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Data- The Bulb Africa
Revealed: 8 Hot Reasons You Should Become a Data Analyst
Becoming a data analyst is the smartest career move you could make because data analytics might be the new “coding”. According to Seed Scientific, there were 44 zettabytes of data at...
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Fellowship at The Bulb Africa
Insider Secrets: Why You Should Join a Software Engineering Fellowship Program
Software engineering is one of the most sought-after career paths, and there are many people showing interest in learning how to code today. This means that the job market is highly...
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Bridging the talent gap in Africa

We are a platform for African tech talents leveraging technology. We create employment opportunities, help startups scale, mold young Africans into tech experts and provide communities to foster growth and career advancements.


We are a team of vibrant thinkers, dedicated to the concepts of great value, excellence, and love. We always work to solve problems and deliver results on time. We are constantly reinventing ourselves to outdo our best inventions.

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