Bridging the gap between Africa Tech ecosystem

We empower Africa’s tech talent by providing access to cutting-edge tech education for global opportunities and career growth.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and empower the next generation of tech experts and innovators to build transferable and transportable skills set for the fast-changing global workspace.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be Africa’s leading tech platform that connects innovation to global opportunities.

The Bulb Africa Building 681 by 1024 pixels

Our Corporate Objective

Our corporate objective is to empower 200 startups in 5 years, 50 women led startups in the same period and create 20,000 employment opportunities across Africa through our fellowship program.

Our Core Values

We are a team of vibrant thinkers, dedicated to the concepts of great value, excellence, and love. We always work to solve problems and deliver results on time. We are constantly reinventing ourselves to outdo our best inventions.

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